Friday, October 12, 2007

Acupuncture and Healing from Disease

“Classical Five-Element Acupuncture recognizes that when our internal organs are working in balance and harmony as Nature ordained, it is impossible to be sick in body, mind, or spirit. Every disease throughout the whole of the world is caused by one or more of these organs not functioning correctly. As the organ starts to go out of balance, disease will result - either disease of the mind, or disease of the body, or disease of the spirit. Basically, all we have to do is to correct the imbalance – bring these organs as near to balance as we possibly can, and the disease will disappear.” - JR Worsley
For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle or The Worsley Institute of Classical Five-Element Acupuncture

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Tips for Staying Balanced in Autumn

Taking our cue from Nature, Autumn is the time to clear out the old and value what is precious.

*Prepare for Winter by going through your closet, desk, garage, medicine cabinet - any cluttered storage area - and discard what you no longer need. Then donate, sell, or give away what might be of value to others.

*Examine your schedule and remove items that are not valuable to you any more. Pare down to what is essential.

*If there is any unresolved "stuff" in your relationships, address it and move on.

*Take time each day to breathe slowly and deeply. As you inhale the clean autumn air, feel yourself energized and purified. Exhale toxins and anything you need to release.

For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.


From an interview with 105-year-old Tai Chi Master Wu Tu-Nan:
"Is Tai Chi practice the reason for your longevity?"

"Not directly. Tai Chi helps cultivate a relaxed spirit. Having a relaxed spirit is the secret of longevity."

For more information on Tai Chi in Seattle see The unique thing about Five-Element Acupuncture is that it can give people the experience of having a relaxed spirit - even before they learn how to cultivate it on their own.

Friday, September 28, 2007


Autumn is the time of year when the harvest is over - the light changes - the air smells differently. Leaves begin to change color and the trees let go. Sap is drawn inward. Acorns and chestnuts fall from the trees - a bit of precious DNA and enough energy to grow a whole new tree. Having provided the harvest, Nature now makes everything bare. In this season Nature lets go of its abundant creation of the past year in a grand final display. Autumn marks the end of the growing season - a turning inward, a falling away of outer-directed energy. Leaves turn color and drop. The old leaves go back to the earth, enriching it to promote the coming of new leaves, a new harvest.

Nature instructs us about our own cycles of creating and letting go: Trees in autumn don't stubbornly hold onto their leaves because they might need them next year. Yet how many of us defy the cycle and hold onto what we've produced or collected - those decayed leaves, that old negativity? How can we hope for a harvest next year unless we let go of the old and start afresh?

The energy of this season, more than any other, supports our letting go of the waste, the old and stale in our lives, leaving us receptive to the pure and new, granting us a vision of who we are in our essence.

For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Some of this text is from Neil Gumenick's site - an amazing resource for Information on Classical Five-Element Acupuncture.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Does Acupuncture help with Non-Physical Problems?

Yes, definitely. We must emphasize that classical acupuncture views the body, mind, and spirit as a whole. All physical disorders will cause an imbalance in the mental outlook and spirit of a person. This may manifest as depression, anxiety, anger, sadness, and the like. Mental disturbances, stress, and emotional conflict will cause effect in the physical body such as insomnia, lack of appetite, fatigue, menstrual disorders, migraines, susceptibility to disease, aches, pains, and any labeled disease one can imagine. Any imbalance must manifest on all levels, all part of the whole. All classical acupuncture treatments aim to restore the harmony of body, mind, and spirit. Thus, the physical and non-physical sides of a patient are treated together.

For more information see the Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

What Happens at the Initial Acupuncture Visit

The initial examination takes up to two hours and includes a thorough medical and personal history, description of complaints, a review of the functioning of the systems of the body, and a physical examination. This includes taking the Chinese pulses [usually felt at the wrist] from which we can determine the state of the energy in each of the major organs and functions. Using the diagnostic tools of classical Chinese medicine, which include analyzing a patient’s predominant facial color, vocal sound, emotion, and odor, we assess the condition of the Chi energy and determine the underlying cause of the condition. From all of this information, a treatment plan is developed, unique to the individual patient.

For more information see the Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

How Acupuncture Works

Chinese medicine recognizes that there is a vital force (called Chi energy) in the body which controls the working of every organ and system. This energy must flow freely and in the correct strength and quality if the body is to function correctly. In all illness, the flow of vital energy is impaired. Acupuncture directly affects this energy at special points located on the energy pathways (meridians). When gently inserted into these acupuncture points, the needles produce various effects. According to the manipulation of the needles, energy can be drawn to a deficient organ, an excess dispersed, blockages removed, and so on, according to the individual needs of the patient. As the balance and harmony of the vital energy is restored, symptoms of illness disappear. If all of the functions and organs of the body are working properly and harmoniously, there can not be sickness within the body or mind.

For more information see the Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Immune support

As winter approaches its time to start thinking about staying healthy through cold and flu season. Here are some interesting comments on stress and health.

"There is overwhelming evidence that stress -- and the substances secreted by the body during stress -- negatively impacts your ability to remain healthy," says neurophysiologist Carl J. Charnetski, PhD. Woodson Merrell, MD, director of integrative medicine at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City, agrees: "There are dozens, if not hundreds of studies attesting to how stress affects the body's ability to respond to infection." The good news is that lowering your stress can help your body maintain both your physical and your emotional health. "People who have less stress are simply healthier overall," says Charnetski.

What matters is how we respond to stressful events - how our body handles them biochemically. When we are relaxed, our immune system functions beautifully - protecting us from cold viruses as well as from cancer cells. There are many ways to facilitate relaxation in ourselves - Five-Element Acupuncture is one of them.

For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Acupuncture and Depression - A Story

Julie came in for Five-Element Acupuncture because she was feeling depressed. She said she felt tired, inert, & unmotivated. She was taking an antidepressant but was not experiencing much change in how she felt. Julie had a job which was unsatisfying and felt quite alone in her life - her kids were grown and she had been divorced for many years. She also had back aches and her digestion did not function very well.

After spending an hour with her going over her history and listening to how she was feeling, it was clear to me that she had lost touch with the part of herself that fuels life - her spirit. It is the spark in each one of us - the juice that powers our lives, the thing that makes us each unique. When we are connected to it we feel engaged, excited about things, we see beauty and joy everywhere.

On that first visit with Julie I treated her to help her reconnect with her spirit. She returned the next week ecstatic and enthusiastic - saying that she felt different from the moment she left my office - as if a switch had been flipped. She has continued to receive acupuncture over the years, nourishing her spirit and helping her aches and pains, as well as her digestive problems. She still talks about how she felt before she ever got treated and how her life has transformed since. She is now married to a wonderful man, has created new work for herself, and fills her time with friends, family and travel. She is living a full and satisfying life!

for more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Acupuncture as Preventative Medicine

In our culture we commonly take very good care of our cars. We get the oil changed, fluids checked and topped off, have it washed, tend to spots of rust. We understand that if we do nothing and wait until there is a symptom we may find ourselves stranded somewhere or end up with more repairs than necessary.

Most of us do not apply to same approach to ourselves. We often ignore our bodies and souls, assuming that they will keep working just fine without needing any maintenance or real attention. We may sit at a desk all day, eat more food than we really need, rush here and there, rarely taking a moment to think about maintenance or refueling. If we did this with our cars we would not be surprised when they began to fail us. Somehow we don't realize that we deserve at least as much attention and maintenance as we give to our cars - we are surprised when suddenly our backs hurt, our stomachs don't digest food well, we develop asthma, depression, insomnia.

There are many ways to maintain our health - outdoor exercise, massage, chiropractic care, yoga, Tai Chi, drinking adequate water and eating sensibly. Five-Element Acupuncture can also be used for maintenance and preventative care. A practitioner can detect if the energy is out of balance way before symptoms emerge. For most people in good health and with no current symptoms maintenance visits occur monthly or seasonally. This was how Five-Element Acupuncture was originally used - healthy people received treatment in order to remain healthy. Wouldn't it be exciting to have a way to support your health that really works?!?

For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Acupuncture and Cancer Treatment - A Story

One of my very favorite patients to treat was a man who had advanced Leukemia and was in the last year of his life. He received chemotherapy each week and would stagger into my office the next day very pale, exhausted, & clearly struggling. I would treat him and we would spend the hour together talking about what he was learning about himself and about life. He left the office with a spring in his step and color in his cheeks. Although he did die, getting acupuncture treatments that year allowed him to have comfortable days spent with a family he loved. He had the energy to work around the house, play with grandchildren, and work on his art. He was also able to become more conscious and free in himself - to realize how he had kept himself from really loving people in his life and to make the changes that lead to being truly happy and at peace. It was an honor to know him and a lot of fun to be with him!

For more information about acupuncture or treatment in conjunction with cancer care see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Late Summer

Chinese philosophy recognizes five seasons - Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Late Summer is the harvest time - the time when the fruit is ripe. It feels different from Summer - the sun is no longer as intense, you can start to feel that the days are shortening. It is the time when it is appropriate to appreciate all that we have worked for over the year - to gather in the harvest in preparation for Winter.

When this energy is in balance in us, we are able to truly receive, to feel nourished, satisfied with our lives and the abundance that come from nature. We appreciate and are grateful for all that we have - health, family, friends. When this energy is not in balance, there is an emptiness, a void, a sense that there is no point to life - why work so hard, do so much, when all we feel is unsatisfied and empty.

Classical Five-Element Acupuncture works to bring this energy back into balance, resulting in a feeling of contentment, happiness, abundance! What a great way to feel!

For more information see the Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Postpartum Depression & Acupunture

Postpartum depression is becoming more and more common in our culture. Many times a woman has a hard time regaining her balance after labor and delivery. Sometimes adjusting to a new life as a parents is very difficult. Often times women are concerned about taking medication for this condition because they are nursing and do not want to pass any drugs to the baby. Classical Five-Element Acupuncture is the perfect solution - there are no side effects and it is extremely effective. A happy, balanced mother is the best thing in the world for a child.

For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Master Acupuncturist to see Patients in Seattle

Patient consultations with Judy Becker Worsley will take place at The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle on October 28, 29, & 30 2007. This is an opportunity for patients of Five-Element Acupuncture practitioners to be evaluated by the Master teacher in the field and receive treatments that she prescribes for them individually. The results are amazing!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Pregnancy & Acupuncture

Having morning sickness when you are pregnant is incredibly uncomfortable and sometimes down right debilitating. There are so many changes going on in a woman's body in such a short amount of time during all of pregnancy - but especially during the first few months. When a woman is out of balance, pregnancy "symptoms" are more likely to appear or be significant. When there is balance and harmony within her system - all of the organs are functioning optimally - many of the challenges of pregnancy diminish or disappear. I have seen many women who received Five-Element Acupuncture before and during pregnancy experience very easy, symptom-free pregnancies. For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Surgery & Acupuncture

Having Five-Element Acupuncture after surgery can make a HUGE difference is healing rates and times. I always treat my patients as soon after surgery as possible and then continue care regularly while they are healing. Surgery, while often life saving, is a trauma to the body, mind, and spirit. It is not uncommon for people to get blockages in their energy after surgery - these can make healing much more difficult. Having good, regular acupuncture treatments is invaluable in these situations. For more information see The Center for Classical Five-element Acupuncture in Seattle - Queen Anne.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Acupuncture and Depression

One of the most amazing situations I see in my daily practice is how Classical Five-Element Acupuncture helps people who are depressed or anxious. It is so exciting to see so much progress in patients in such a short period of time. It is very common that I see a new patient who has not been feeling themselves in a long time - they might feel lethargic, inert, unmotivated. They talk about having lost their spark. they remember having energy, life, enthusiasm - but can't quite figure out how to get it back. This is where this medicine shines! Because the treatment can go straight to the deepest level of the imbalance, everything about a person's experience can change immediately. Sometimes just a few points are needed to completely revive the spirit - the person starts to feel energetic again, excited about something, wanting to DO things, to really live. Even after 8 years in practice, it still amazes me! The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle - on Queen Anne.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Acupuncture and Spirit

"If the mind is sick, the body and spirit will suffer from its confusion; if the spirit is sick, there will be no will to care for body or mind." - JR Worsley. For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Acupuncture and Diabetes

"I have been an insulin-dependent diabetic for forty years and have a variety of long term complications in varying (and annoying) degrees. I began acupuncture a year ago in an attempt to avoid additional medications. At my last doctor visits, my blood pressure was normal, my foot pulses were strong, my diabetic control (blood) test was markedly improved, as were my cholesterol and triglyceride levels. My eyes are stable, and my doctors have encouraged me to continue my current treatment program. I am delighted by my improved attitude toward life." -a patient. For more information go to The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Acupuncture and Depression

Classical Five-Element Acupuncture is incredibly effective for people who are feeling anxious or depressed. Because this kind of acupuncture can go directly to the source of the the trouble, people get better very quickly. It is amazing to watch someone who has been barely living - tired, stuck, inert - come to life. Or to see someone who has been feeling anxious, chaotic, chronically nervous find stability, peace, steadiness. To learn more go to The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Five-Element Acupuncture Testimonial

"The benefits I have received from acupuncture treatment have been many and reach far beyond the reasons I first walked through the door. I was skeptical but sought treatment after my trusted doctor exhausted all of his resources to treat a case of adult-onset asthma. Suppressing the symptoms was not good enough for me—I wanted to be whole again. Once the asthma symptoms were gone and I was off all of the inhalers and pills, I continued treatment as I found relief in so many other areas: sleep, anxiety, grief, and overall health. My treatments have not only treated specific issues, but have also helped me reconnect with my body. I came in desperation and received the gift of wellness and wholeness." - a patient
For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle

Friday, July 20, 2007

Acupuncture and Living Well

Living in harmony with nature means eating with the seasons - eating food that is grown in your area, in the season in which it is harvested. In Seattle right now we have an abundance of cherries, stone fruit and berries. Its time to eat them by the hand full! Our bodies are meant to have the food that is growing near us. For more information about acupuncture and living well visit The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Acupuncture and Causes of Disease

“Another reason we are not winning the fight against disease is that going back perhaps 100, 200 years, ‘named’ diseases like arthritis, back pain, rheumatism were very often caused by people having to work outside, badly clothed, badly fed and badly housed. Being exposed to these harsh conditions affected the physical body. People got sick. Now, at least in the West, everyone’s pretty well housed, everyone is pretty well fed. If it rains and you have an outside job, now you can come inside. You don’t have to work up to your knees in mud like they did 100 years ago. You have all the facilities under the sun available. And yet there is still as much arthritis, back pain, rheumatism as there was 100 years ago. But now the cause is internal, not external. The disease is being caused now by worry, fear, grief, hostility, anger, hatred, jealousy: all of these are now manifesting in the physical body as rheumatism, etc.” - JR Worsley

For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

JR Worsley on Acupuncture & the Spirit

“There is more sickness today than there was fifty years ago, simply because we are abandoning and neglecting the most integral part of man and woman. If the spirit within us is deficient, we are much more susceptible to disease. The strength of each individual depends on this core.” - JR Worsley
For more information see the Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture.

Acupuncture and Water

One of the most important things you can do to be healthy is to drink the right amount of water. Water is vitally important to the functioning of every cell of your body. One of the first things to happen in chronic dehydration - even if it is mild - is that our thirst indicators function less efficiently. So waiting until you feel thirsty will not work. How much water is the right amount? Divide your body weight in half and drink that number of ounces of pure water each and every day. For example - if you weigh 200 lbs. you need 100 ounces of water. We strongly encourage everyone who is receiveing acupuncture to drink the amount of water their body needs. It is amazing how many symptoms dimish simply by drinking enough water.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture

The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture ( was formed by April Hulvershorn and David Goodell 2005 in order to bring the highest quality acupuncture treatment and training to the Seattle area. The Center hosts patient consultations with Judy Worsley twice a year, as well as provides clinical training for acupuncture students. People come to the Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture for every reason under the sun - many come because they feel depressed or anxious and want to feel more peaceful and happy. Many come because they have a hard time sleeping, because they have asthma, because they have pain in their bodies. Most people continue treatment after their symptoms are gone and they are off of their medications because they find that treatment helps them to feel their best - peaceful, happy, free.

My name is April Hulvershorn and I practice Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle, WA. My clinic, The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture - - is located on the top of Queen Anne.

One Minute Video