Let Go
Move Downward
Seek Inspiration
Some Seasonal Practices:
- Resolve old gripes with those around you so that you can move on. Let go of pain that causes you unnecessary suffering. If appropriate, write down the things you need to release, then burn the paper.
- Clear out spaces where clutter collects. Do a deep clean and organize medicine cabinets, filing cabinets, storage closets.
- Autumn is a great time to cleanse the body. Do a short fast or eliminate toxins from you diet.
- Pay special attention to your lungs and breathing - exercise outdoors with an emphasis on filling your lungs with pure air and energy.
- Seek out things that inspire you - read an inspiring book, listen to music that moves you, view art that touches you.
For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.
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