We can learn from Nature about our own cycles of creation and letting go. It is natural and appropriate to step back from our lives from time to time - to assess what is of value to us and what no longer serves us. The energy of Autumn, more that any other season, supports our letting go of the waste, the old and stale in our lives, leaving us receptive to the pure and the new, granting us a vision of who we are at our essence.
Some great Autumn practices
Clean out the old:
- Go through your home and office - clean out any old junk, clothes you no longer wear, papers that have piled up, books you no longer want. Sell, give away or recycle as much as possible.
- Asses you schedule and clear out any activities that you are done with - pare down to essentials.
- If there is any unfinished business in your relationships, clean it up.
- Go for a walk and breathe deeply - experience the clear, crisp air and feel how much energy it gives you.
- Is there anything you want to add to your life to enhance your health, energy, or soul? Meditation, regular breathing exercise, a gratitude journal are some examples.
- Honor the friends, relatives, pets, colleagues who add to your life.
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