Friday, March 7, 2008

An Acupuncture Treatment Story

Sarah came in for acupuncture because she was not feeling her best. At age 50, with her kids launched in the the world, a successful career and a nice circle of friends she had a lot going for her. However, she was feeling tired, unfocused, and flat. "I used to get enthusiastic about things and always had creative projects going. I'm really worried about my lack of focus - what if I can't perform in my work anymore?" she told me at her initial visit.

I began treating her with acupuncture weekly - helping to nourish her energy and spirit. At her third visit she appeared much brighter, more alert, engaged. "I can't believe it!!! I have so much energy! I'm refocused at work - even my colleagues have been noticing! I'm not sleeping all weekend - in fact I cleaned and reorganized my entire house! When I came here, I really didn't know if it could help me - I'm blown away by how much better I feel."

For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

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