Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Autumn Practices

The energy of Autumn, more than any other season, encourages us to let go of anything that no longer serves.  We are naturally drawn inward during this season of waning light; drawn to the things that really matter to us.

Here are some practices to intentionally benefit from the season:

Clean out the old:
  • Go through your home and work place. Clear out places where clutter collects. Clean out closets, filing cabinets, your car. Sell, give away or recycle as much as possible.  
  • Assess your schedule - clear out any activities that you are done with - pare down to essentials.
  • If there is any unfinished business in your relationships, clean it up. Examine and release any gripes or grudges you may be holding.
  • Let go of pain that causes you unnecessary suffering. If appropriate, write down the things you need to release, then burn the paper.
  • Autumn is a great time to cleanse the body. Eliminate toxins from your diet and eat simple, whole foods.
Receive the pure energy of the season:
  • Go for a walk and breathe deeply - experience the clear, crisp air and feel how much energy it gives you.
  • Honor the friends, relatives, pets, and colleagues who add to your life. Let them know how much they mean to you.
  • Seek out things that inspire you - read an inspiring book, listen to music that moves you, view art that touches you, take an autumn hike in a place that you love.
  • Is there anything that you want to add to your life to enhance your health, energy or soul? Meditation, breathing exercises, or a gratitude journal are some examples.
Engaging with this season also prepares us for the deep stillness of Winter, when it is appropriate to be more quiet and restful. May you have a rich and beautiful Autumn!

For more information about Five-Element Acupuncture, see the Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

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