Most of us do not apply to same approach to ourselves. We often ignore our bodies and souls, assuming that they will keep working just fine without needing any maintenance or real attention. We may sit at a desk all day, eat more food than we really need, rush here and there, rarely taking a moment to think about maintenance or refueling. If we did this with our cars we would not be surprised when they began to fail us. Somehow we don't realize that we deserve at least as much attention and maintenance as we give to our cars - we are surprised when suddenly our backs hurt, our stomachs don't digest food well, we develop asthma, depression, insomnia.
There are many ways to maintain our health - outdoor exercise, massage, chiropractic care, yoga, Tai Chi, drinking adequate water and eating sensibly. Five-Element Acupuncture can also be used for maintenance and preventative care. A practitioner can detect if the energy is out of balance way before symptoms emerge. For most people in good health and with no current symptoms maintenance visits occur monthly or seasonally. This was how Five-Element Acupuncture was originally used - healthy people received treatment in order to remain healthy. Wouldn't it be exciting to have a way to support your health that really works?!?
For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.
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