One of the most amazing situations I see in my daily practice is how Classical Five-Element Acupuncture helps people who are depressed or anxious. It is so exciting to see so much progress in patients in such a short period of time. It is very common that I see a new patient who has not been feeling themselves in a long time - they might feel lethargic, inert, unmotivated. They talk about having lost their spark. they remember having energy, life, enthusiasm - but can't quite figure out how to get it back. This is where this medicine shines! Because the treatment can go straight to the deepest level of the imbalance, everything about a person's experience can change immediately. Sometimes just a few points are needed to completely revive the spirit - the person starts to feel energetic again, excited about something, wanting to DO things, to really live. Even after 8 years in practice, it still amazes me!
The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle - on Queen Anne.
1 comment:
I have to agree completely. I practice 5 element acupuncture in Bristol, England. I formerly worked in a mainstream mental health profession for many years. I now value acupuncture as a very powerful tool in the fight against depression. Modern scientific research backs up what acupuncturists see again and again in practice - that acupuncture can be as useful as anti-depressants, - without any of the side effects. See our website, www.bristolacupuncturepractice.co.uk http://www.bristolacupuncturepractice.co.uk
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