Go apple picking.
Do a gratitude meditation. Spend a few minutes feeling grateful for the people in your life and the ways in which you are blessed.
Visit your farmer's market and savor the visual feast. Take home a basket of goodies and prepare a harvest meal.
Assess your stores:
Do you have what you need on a physical level? This is a good time to asses your cold weather clothing, do any mending that is needed.
Do you have what you need on a mental level? Are there any new skills you want to acquire? Any classes you are interested in taking or books you have been wanting to read?
How are your spiritual stores? Are you feeling peaceful, full & satisfied inside? How do you replenish your Spirit?
The Energy of Late Summer:
Late Summer is the Season of the Earth Element. In each of us, this Element is responsible for receiving and processing nourishment. The Stomach and Spleen are the organs of this Element. When we eat a meal, our Stomach receives and digests our food. The nutrients are then moved throughout the body and assimilated; made a part of us.
The same action happens in the mental and spiritual realms. We take in information and our mind must digest it and assimilate it in order for it to become our own.
I especially notice the functioning of this Element on the spirit level. When our Earth does not function appropriately we feel may unsatisfied, annoyed, or empty.
"Everything in my life is good, but I don't feel good - I should feel grateful, but I just feel burdened by it all, annoyed with everyone who wants my attention, like I just want to get away from it all" might be what is said.
Often times this is the result of not being able to take in and receive nourishment from ones life. People and activities that could feed & replenish us, just turn into burdens. Its like sitting down to a meal when you are still full from the last one - there's just no room to take in anything more. If we are not adequately processing, digesting, and assimilating nothing satisfies.
Acupuncture can directly treat this imbalance - supporting the natural ability to receive and process. There are other ways to help yourself when you notice that you are feeling out of balance in this way. One of the best is to just stop everything. Take a few hours off - no phone, no email, nothing coming in. Let yourself relax and feel the Earth underneath you. Go for a walk, taking in the beauty of your surroundings. Quietly tending to chores can also encourage the Earth to come into balance and process more efficiently.
For more information about Five-Element Acupuncture see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.