Here are some questions you might want to ask yourself:
- How are my reserves of energy? Have I run myself low? Do I need to replenish?
- Do I manage my energy wisely?
- Are my boundaries appropriate, allowing me to hold my energy and use it consciously?
- Is there space in my life for reflection, stillness, and contemplation?
And some practices:
- Run an experiment - give yourself an afternoon or a day to do nothing other than relax - read a book, nap, let go of all goals. See how you feel at the end of the time.
- Go to the mountains. Walk or snowshoe in the snowy woods. Notice the stillness that the blanket of snow brings and how quiet you become inside as your body comes into harmony with Winter.
- Schedule more time for your inner life. Practice meditation, read books that nourish you, pay more attention to your senses.
- Eat warming foods - focus on cooked vegetables, grains, and meat.
- Schedule an acupuncture appointment for a Seasonal tune up.