Autumn is changing to Winter in Seattle. Most of the leaves have fallen and are waiting in piles if they have not been taken away. All that energy from the sun, rain and soil went into the production of so many leaves. Oak leaves in particular are so sturdy; thick, hard to even tear apart. As they sit in a compost pile, laced with horse manure, they break down slowly, becoming rich soil thanks to the worms and microbes. As the pile gets one last turn before it is tucked in for a winter slumber, I think about the yucky stuff in each of us that melts slowly into enriching insights if we are willing to give it some air and proper attention. Like jealous feelings that lead us to realize that in the light of consciousness all positions are equal, all is one. Or the intense grief and heartbreak felt when we are rejected. It shows us the depth and capacity for love that exists in our hearts.
As we move into Winter, are there any areas of difficulty that you want to unearth and explore, and then allow to soften and melt during the dark months, liberating and enriching you for the Spring?