“Classical Five-Element Acupuncture recognizes that when our internal organs are working in balance and harmony as Nature ordained, it is impossible to be sick in body, mind, or spirit. Every disease throughout the whole of the world is caused by one or more of these organs not functioning correctly. As the organ starts to go out of balance, disease will result - either disease of the mind, or disease of the body, or disease of the spirit. Basically, all we have to do is to correct the imbalance – bring these organs as near to balance as we possibly can, and the disease will disappear.” - JR Worsley
For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle or The Worsley Institute of Classical Five-Element Acupuncture
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Tips for Staying Balanced in Autumn
Taking our cue from Nature, Autumn is the time to clear out the old and value what is precious.
*Prepare for Winter by going through your closet, desk, garage, medicine cabinet - any cluttered storage area - and discard what you no longer need. Then donate, sell, or give away what might be of value to others.
*Examine your schedule and remove items that are not valuable to you any more. Pare down to what is essential.
*If there is any unresolved "stuff" in your relationships, address it and move on.
*Take time each day to breathe slowly and deeply. As you inhale the clean autumn air, feel yourself energized and purified. Exhale toxins and anything you need to release.
For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.
*Prepare for Winter by going through your closet, desk, garage, medicine cabinet - any cluttered storage area - and discard what you no longer need. Then donate, sell, or give away what might be of value to others.
*Examine your schedule and remove items that are not valuable to you any more. Pare down to what is essential.
*If there is any unresolved "stuff" in your relationships, address it and move on.
*Take time each day to breathe slowly and deeply. As you inhale the clean autumn air, feel yourself energized and purified. Exhale toxins and anything you need to release.
For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.
From an interview with 105-year-old Tai Chi Master Wu Tu-Nan:
"Is Tai Chi practice the reason for your longevity?"
"Not directly. Tai Chi helps cultivate a relaxed spirit. Having a relaxed spirit is the secret of longevity."
For more information on Tai Chi in Seattle see www.taichiseattle.com. The unique thing about Five-Element Acupuncture is that it can give people the experience of having a relaxed spirit - even before they learn how to cultivate it on their own.
"Is Tai Chi practice the reason for your longevity?"
"Not directly. Tai Chi helps cultivate a relaxed spirit. Having a relaxed spirit is the secret of longevity."
For more information on Tai Chi in Seattle see www.taichiseattle.com. The unique thing about Five-Element Acupuncture is that it can give people the experience of having a relaxed spirit - even before they learn how to cultivate it on their own.
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