Thursday, August 30, 2007

Acupuncture as Preventative Medicine

In our culture we commonly take very good care of our cars. We get the oil changed, fluids checked and topped off, have it washed, tend to spots of rust. We understand that if we do nothing and wait until there is a symptom we may find ourselves stranded somewhere or end up with more repairs than necessary.

Most of us do not apply to same approach to ourselves. We often ignore our bodies and souls, assuming that they will keep working just fine without needing any maintenance or real attention. We may sit at a desk all day, eat more food than we really need, rush here and there, rarely taking a moment to think about maintenance or refueling. If we did this with our cars we would not be surprised when they began to fail us. Somehow we don't realize that we deserve at least as much attention and maintenance as we give to our cars - we are surprised when suddenly our backs hurt, our stomachs don't digest food well, we develop asthma, depression, insomnia.

There are many ways to maintain our health - outdoor exercise, massage, chiropractic care, yoga, Tai Chi, drinking adequate water and eating sensibly. Five-Element Acupuncture can also be used for maintenance and preventative care. A practitioner can detect if the energy is out of balance way before symptoms emerge. For most people in good health and with no current symptoms maintenance visits occur monthly or seasonally. This was how Five-Element Acupuncture was originally used - healthy people received treatment in order to remain healthy. Wouldn't it be exciting to have a way to support your health that really works?!?

For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Acupuncture and Cancer Treatment - A Story

One of my very favorite patients to treat was a man who had advanced Leukemia and was in the last year of his life. He received chemotherapy each week and would stagger into my office the next day very pale, exhausted, & clearly struggling. I would treat him and we would spend the hour together talking about what he was learning about himself and about life. He left the office with a spring in his step and color in his cheeks. Although he did die, getting acupuncture treatments that year allowed him to have comfortable days spent with a family he loved. He had the energy to work around the house, play with grandchildren, and work on his art. He was also able to become more conscious and free in himself - to realize how he had kept himself from really loving people in his life and to make the changes that lead to being truly happy and at peace. It was an honor to know him and a lot of fun to be with him!

For more information about acupuncture or treatment in conjunction with cancer care see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Late Summer

Chinese philosophy recognizes five seasons - Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Late Summer is the harvest time - the time when the fruit is ripe. It feels different from Summer - the sun is no longer as intense, you can start to feel that the days are shortening. It is the time when it is appropriate to appreciate all that we have worked for over the year - to gather in the harvest in preparation for Winter.

When this energy is in balance in us, we are able to truly receive, to feel nourished, satisfied with our lives and the abundance that come from nature. We appreciate and are grateful for all that we have - health, family, friends. When this energy is not in balance, there is an emptiness, a void, a sense that there is no point to life - why work so hard, do so much, when all we feel is unsatisfied and empty.

Classical Five-Element Acupuncture works to bring this energy back into balance, resulting in a feeling of contentment, happiness, abundance! What a great way to feel!

For more information see the Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Postpartum Depression & Acupunture

Postpartum depression is becoming more and more common in our culture. Many times a woman has a hard time regaining her balance after labor and delivery. Sometimes adjusting to a new life as a parents is very difficult. Often times women are concerned about taking medication for this condition because they are nursing and do not want to pass any drugs to the baby. Classical Five-Element Acupuncture is the perfect solution - there are no side effects and it is extremely effective. A happy, balanced mother is the best thing in the world for a child.

For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

Master Acupuncturist to see Patients in Seattle

Patient consultations with Judy Becker Worsley will take place at The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle on October 28, 29, & 30 2007. This is an opportunity for patients of Five-Element Acupuncture practitioners to be evaluated by the Master teacher in the field and receive treatments that she prescribes for them individually. The results are amazing!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Pregnancy & Acupuncture

Having morning sickness when you are pregnant is incredibly uncomfortable and sometimes down right debilitating. There are so many changes going on in a woman's body in such a short amount of time during all of pregnancy - but especially during the first few months. When a woman is out of balance, pregnancy "symptoms" are more likely to appear or be significant. When there is balance and harmony within her system - all of the organs are functioning optimally - many of the challenges of pregnancy diminish or disappear. I have seen many women who received Five-Element Acupuncture before and during pregnancy experience very easy, symptom-free pregnancies. For more information see The Center for Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in Seattle.

One Minute Video